©Kirton News 2025

May 2010

The Editors Letter

Finally as I write this the sun is shining. I believe we have finally gotten over the long harsh winter. Roll on summer!!

I always seem to be asking this but if you want something in the magazine no matter what it is let me know after all it is a village magazine for everyone.

We have a nomination in this month’s mag for friendliest hairdresser. Do you know of someone to nominate? It doesn’t have to be a hairdresser it could be anything.

Sorry it’s a short letter from me but I’m going out to enjoy the sunshine while we have still got it.

Take care



Linguini’s has been open a year on the first of May, a year of a lot of hard work for us.
I like to tell people that if you stick at it you will get something out of it, opening in the middle of a recession was a big risk but if your good enough at your job and believe you have something to offer then take the risk, so many big chains of stores and eateries have started to open up and are killing the trade.

Our Restaurant for the first year has had its ups and downs we had great nights and horrible nights where nobody was happy, but we want people to understand that were a young team, learning and in May we are going to make some major changes to the restaurant and the menu, our new menu will be about local, seasonal produce from around the Boston/Kirton area as like us I know they are struggling too.

I’m not Jamie Oliver but wouldn’t it be good for local people to buy local and our children to grow up knowing you get your meat from a butchers and veg from the markets. Linguinis is going to offer modern Italian food.

Many Italian restaurants all offer the same , a piece of chicken covered in a sauce, and unfortunately I went down that root too, I copied other establishments in a way but now I want to show off what I’m capable to do. 

So Basically Linguinis is a Modern Italian Restaurant that serves local produce, all cooked fresh to order, we run an Italian lunch buffet from 12pm - 2.30pm Tue - Sat (from May).

Gardening Tips

May , Week One

1) Time Saving Tip: Don’t waste your time tying daffodil leaves into clumps after flowering. It looks more unsightly and may cause damage.
2) Money Saving Tip: Clay pots which have suffered from frost damage can still be used. Lay them on their side and half fill with soil. Creepy-crawly plants, such as sedums, will look natural growing out of the container.
3) It takes time for newly planted trees and shrubs to send their roots out in search of water. Continue to water new plants during periods of dry weather.
4) The Australian palm, Cordyline australis,can look untidy with the old,dead leaves hanging down the stem. Don’t cut them off but pull them off one at a time working up from the bottom.
5) Bark mulch clematis at least 10 cm 94 in deep around the stem of the plant and the immediate root area. This will keep the roots cool and moist and encourage the stem to reroot.
6) Pour boiling water along open seed drills before sowing vegetables. It will kill soil borne pests and weed seeds, getting the seedlings off to a good start.
7) Keep an eye out for blanket weed in the pond. Use a plastic rake or brush to remove it. Put it on the compost heap.
8) Cover tomatoes growing in cold glasshouses with fleece or newspaper at night to protect from frost.

May, Week Two

1) Time Saving Tip: Sharpen garden tools, including the spade and hoe. They will be easier and quicker to use.
2) Money Saving Tip: Container grown plants,such as hostas,which are prone to slug damage may be protected by coating the rim of the pot with vaseline. The slugs won’t crawl through it.
3) Water plants growing at the base of walls where the soil tends to remain dry even when it is raining.
4) Where there are mature ash,beech and sycamore growing, seedling trees will appear all over the garden. Remove them as soon as you see them as they quickly grow to an unmanageable size.
5) Hardy fuchsia will soon be producing new shoots from the base.Water and apply a balanced fertilizer to help them grow away quickly.
6) Erect fine mesh or fleece screens around young carrots to keep the carrot fly from laying its eggs close to the crop.
7) In areas of shrubs infested with bindweed insert bamboo canes. The weed will twist its way up the cane where it may be sprayed with weed killer without damaging the nearby plants.
8) Ground cover plants such as lamium and vinca can be clipped over to remove the old, tired foliage. The new growths will look better.

May, Week Three

1) Time Saving Tip: When potting and repotting plants leave 5 cm (2 in ) at the top of the container free of compost for a good application of water.
2) Money Saving Tip: Beds of old heathers may be rejuvenated by spreading a 10 cm (4 inch) deep layer of peat over the surface and washing it down to soil level with a hose.The heathers will reroot up the stems into the peat.
3) Start spraying roses to control black spot and mildew.
4) As potato shoots appear earth up the soil around them.
5) During warm days open the greenhouse ventilators, closing them before evening.
6) There is still time to sow sweet corn and cucumbers for planting outside in a sheltered site in mid June.
7) Feed bush and cane fruit with a high potash fertilizer.
8) Patches in the lawn can be oversown with grass seed.Loosen the surface of the soil and cover the seed with clear polythene to hasten germination.

May, Week Four

1) Time Saving Tip: After scarifying the lawn by rake or machine use the lawn mower, set high, to collect the debris for dumping or composting.
2) Money Saving Tip: Where you need privacy to sit out in the garden in summer grow a line of Jerusalem artichoke. They quickly grow to 2-3 metres(7-10 ft) high, forming a screen. The tubers make a wonderful soup.
3) Give the spring bulbs which have finished flowering a feed of general purpose fertilizer to build up their strength for next year.
4) Sow carrots and parsley thinly to avoid having to remove crowded seedlings. It is the smell of crushed foliage which attracts carrot fly.
5) Clear weeds from around bush fruit and strawberries to allow a movement of air.
6) Remove the dead flower heads from hydrangeas to allow the new shoots to take their place.
7) Grow some extra basil in pots which can be used in the greenhouse to attract white fly. They prefer basil to tomatoes. When covered in the pest the basil may be dumped or burnt.
8) Any peach leaves infected with peach leaf curl can be removed and burnt.

The Mothers Union

Our meeting this month is on Wednesday 19th May at 2.00pm and will be held at the Vicarage in Penny Gardens. We welcome Banker Woods speaking to us about ‘Life on Frampton Marsh’.

Helen Airey


Congratulations to Mrs B Bryant of Ash Drive in Kirton, who won the competition in the March edition of Kirton News. Mrs Bryant won a 3 course meal for two at The Black Swan, in Donington.

Boston Classic Car Club

The Boston Classic Car Club with be holding its Annual Classic Car Show on Sunday 8th August 2010 at 11am until 4.30pm.

The event will be held at Graves Park, Skeldyke Road, Kirton, Boston, Lincs and the admission is £3.00 for Adults and accompanied children are free.

The show features some of the finest flassics in the country on display from the 1920's to the 1990’s.

There will also be a charity raffle in aid of Marie Curie, a trade stall, autojumble and refreshments. Pre-booked classic cars are free.

For information about trade stands please contact Jane Webb on 01205 290436, for classic cars please contact Den Pattrick on 01205 360617.
Show details can be obtained from John Simpson on 01205 369146.

Parking for disabled on site only.

Open Garden

On Sunday 27th June a Charity Open Garden takes place at Frog Hall Cottage & Plant Centre. The event is held between 1pm and 5pm and entrance costs £2.50.
Many stalls are on show including:- The Cedar Tree - feauring old garden implements, antiquities and paraphernalia; Prilly’s Country Kitchen - selling homemade chutneys and preserves; Greenfield Bakery - A small artisan bakers of Friskney and Clear Light natural skincare

Also available are homemade cakes and tea, produce, book and bric a brac stalls and a Fantastic tombola!

Frog Hall Cottage is located on Langrick Road, New York, Lincs LN4 4XH. All proceeds go to Lincs. Ark (Animal Welfare).

Story Time

Story time at Kirton Library is on Tuesdays at 10.00am until 10.30am.


Kirton news would like to apologise for the spelling mistake in last month’s issue regarding Harold Sidney King. Please accept our sincere apologies and sympathy at this difficult time.

Parish Council News

The next Parish Council Meeting is to be held on the 24th April at 7 pm in the Upsall Room, Kirton Town Hall.  On 20th May the meeting will be preceded by the Annual Parish Meeting and the Annual General Meeting.

Excerts from the minutes of February & March Parish Council Meeting are below:-

Police Matters:

PCSO’s emailed the following: Reported crimes in the Kirton area since the last meeting:
• Criminal damage to garden post and bird bath - ongoing enquiries.
• Criminal damage to garden fence post - undetected
• Criminal damage to vehicle - ongoing enquires
• Criminal damage to property - undetected
• Theft of fence posts – undetected
• Theft of bird feeder – ongoing enquiries
• Theft of Plasma TV - 1 arrest and item recovered
• Theft of headstone vase in cemetery - ongoing enquiries
• Attempted burglary on dwelling - undetected
• Arson on vehicle in ditch - undetected

19 reported incidents of anti social behaviour took place between 3rd and 27th January.
4 arrests have been made of individuals being drunk and disorderly and causing anti social behaviour.  Approximately 30 youths have been stopped and details taken if seen in the hotspots of Kirton.  All youths have received letters regarding their behaviour, which were hand delivered to parents/guardians of youths involved. 

However, since the 28th January to the 17th February there was only 1 reported incident of anti social behaviour in Kirton area involving a small number of youths.  Supported by the response and patrol officers in Kirton, PCSOs and anti social behaviour officers, word seems to have got round to what actions may be taken if behaving inappropriately. 
Local shops have been visited by Sgt Joynes and PCSO Stuchfield regarding selling alcohol and cigarettes to underage children, also adults buying for these children.  A limit has been put on how much they can buy in one day.

The new Beat Manager, PC Appleby has started his new role in the community.  He can be contacted via Kirton Police Station 01205 722002.

There is a traffic warden in the community now on a regular basis, targeting vehicles parked inconsiderately and/or illegally.  Targeting the areas of concern, currently: Limited waiting around war memorial, parking outside the Kebab shop, parking on junction of Skeldyke Road and Horseshoe Lane and obstruction on Wellington Road.  Any other areas which need to be addressed can be reported to Traffic Warden Mc Pherson on 01205 312375 or to the Neighbourhood Policing team via Kirton Police Station.

The village will soon be up to full strength with PCSOs as a new intake will be on the 31st March, 8 weeks of training will follow and then the PCSOs will be based at Kirton.
The Parish Council were feeling positive after the update from the PCSOs.


It was resolved that as works for the roadway in the cemetery were to be costly, that £3000 should be moved into contingency funds for 2009/2010 financial year in anticipation.
Sophie Bell introduced herself to the meeting and informed members that she works with children from birth to 19 years old. The project she is involved with is a detached project and works alongside the Police to reduce antisocial behaviour. Presently her team are in Kirton 3 times per week and this will be reducing soon. She informed members that there are positive signs in the behaviour patterns in the village. Her team are trying to work to get a project that will help give youths something to do in the village to encourage positive behaviour.

The Chairman asked Sophie whether a MUGE (multi use games equipment) application would be supported for the village. The reply was that yes it would, but would need to be applied for by the youths of the village themselves. Cllr Hannay took the relevant details to get this application in to the LCC.

Cllr Turner asked whether the Police could do a more structured and more frequent sweep of the local public houses and shops to keep a tighter rein on alcohol being sold to underage drinkers. Sgt Joynes confirmed that this would be possible and assured members that checks would be carried out frequently.

Marshalls - Re: Drainside South

Following on from the letter the Parish Council sent to Marshalls, they have replied and have given their full support regarding getting Drainside South closed to HGV Lorries. They have informed their foreign depots of the roads unsuitability for HGVs but would like a pictorial sign to be erected on both sides of the road indicating no HGVs down Drainside South. Members felt that this was a good solution and Clerk to write to Highways and request this action be taken.

Community Lincs - Best Kept Village Competition 2010

It was resolved that Kirton be entered into the competition again for this year. Clerk to approach BBC regarding hanging baskets and to begin asking local businesses to support/sponsor the village competition.


The Greek and Rumanian Orthodox Church are in the process of putting forward a planning application to upgrade the Chapel in the old Cemetery.

Belinda Buttery

Thyme Pork Chops with Roasted Cauliflower

Shorten your preparation time by picking up precut cauliflower at the supermarket

Servings: 2 servings Total: 30 mins

Ingredients: 2 pork rib chops, cut 3/4 inch thick
2 teaspoons snipped fresh thyme or 1/2 teaspoon
dried thyme or Italian seasoning, crushed
1/8 teaspoon salt
1/8 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper
Nonstick cooking spray
3 cups cauliflower florets
1 small onion, cut into wedges
1 tablespoon olive oil
1/8 teaspoon salt
1/8 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper
Snipped fresh basil, flat-leaf parsley, and/or chives (optional)

Directions: Trim fat from meat. In a small bowl, stir together thyme, 1/8 teaspoon salt, and 1/8 teaspoon black pepper; sprinkle evenly on both sides of each chop. Set chops aside.
Coat an unheated very large nonstick skillet with nonstick cooking spray.

Preheat over medium-high heat. Add cauliflower and onion; cook and stir about 5 minutes or until almost tender. Remove skillet from heat. Push cauliflower and onion to the edge of the skillet. Add oil to the skillet. Arrange the seasoned chops in a single layer in skillet.

Return skillet to heat and cook over medium heat for 10 to 15 minutes or until pork chops are done (160?F) and vegetables are tender, turning chops to brown evenly and stirring the vegetable mixture often. Transfer chops and vegetable mixture to dinner plates. If desired, sprinkle vegetable mixture with basil, parsley, and/or chives. Makes 2 servings.

Nutrition Facts: Calories 296, Total Fat 14 g, Saturated Fat 3g, Cholesterol 70mg, Sodium 389mg, Carbohydrate 11g, Fibre 4g, Protein 32g. Daily Values: Vitamin A: 0%, Vitamin C: 0%, Calcium: 0%, Iron: 0%. Exchanges: Vegetable 2, Lean Meat 4, Fat .5.
Percent Daily Values are based on a 2,000 calorie diet.

The Registers

Baptisms - We welcome into God’s family:

14th March - Jasmine Jack Lockett
21st March - Harry Richard King
21st March - Thomas Samuel Alston

Weddings - We ask God's blessing on:

no Weddings listed this month

Funerals - We commend to God’s keeping:

no Funerals listed this month



The magazine committee wish to say ‘Thank-you’ for the following donations which are much appreciated:-

The British Legion.......................£50
Methodist Church........................£50
Kirton Community Coffee Shop....£150

Donations for the magazine may be taken into Fossitt & Thorne (The Green), enclosed in an envelope.

Scouts & Cadets News

What we do at Kirton Scouts

Hello, my name is Cameron. I joined Kirton Scouts just before I started secondary school. I moved to Kirton from Boston and heard of the scouts through the Kirton News. My first week at scouts was very nerve wracking but the leaders and the scouts soon helped me to settle down. The leaders made my first week very enjoyable and I quickly made lots of friends.

I am now in my second year of scouts. I enjoy being a scout because every week there is something fun or interesting to do. The time at scouts is split into 2 bits. First, it’s the hard stuff that we do for badges but after all of that is done, we play games. I have completed several badges including caver, astronomer and camp cook as well as the ‘challenge badges’ including Adventure, Fitness and Community. Before and after scouts we salute the Great Britain flag to pay our respects. Sometimes we go out from the Youth Centre down to Westgate Woods and Frampton Marsh. Other times we do bag packing at supermarkets and have jumble sales to raise money for our group and charities.

On St Georges Day and Remembrance Sunday we have to dress up smart in our uniforms and have have a parade. Sometimes you get the chance to be part of the colour party. I have been part of this and last Remembrance day I carried the flag for our group. I felt proud and honoured to do this.

I have also been on many camps. These have included local camps at Woodhall Spa and further afield at Hesley Wood, Sheffield. Not every camp is in a tent! We sometimes go in cabins when we went on a Bush craft camp and in dormitatories when we went on PGL at Caythorpe. This year to mark the centenary year of our group , we are going over the channel to sunny France for a week on a PGL adventure holiday. This year we have a lot of other activities planned. We have already been to the Royal Armouries in Leeds and later in the year we are going to Alton Towers!

I would recommend anyone, boy or girl, to join the Scouts. You can come for a taster week before you decide whether you would like to join us. We look forward to seeing you!